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MLC  Preschool

For MLC School is a great privilege that the families trust us with their children, since this is a crucial and decisive stage in their lives, in which lays the foundations for the child personality. In these stages, children are tireless workers, and everything they learn is in the natural form and simple with its powerful "mind absorbent".


Our community of children gives the child the opportunity to learn in an atmosphere designed especially for their age, where everything is prepared according to their size to be able to experience and explore with freedom, manipulate and work with beautiful materials and building, day after day, their independence and personality.


Our foundations of this system are precisely the discipline and structure.


In this environment are developed the sensory and linguistic bases necessary for the formation of concepts and the subsequent acquisition of the mathematical knowledge and literacy. Equally, there are individual and group activities that help the concentration, repetition and adaptation.


We believe that each child is unique, valuable and irreplaceable, and that the learning process must be different in each human being.


Our methodology promotes that children interact so constant, which facilitates the development of social skills. These children can solve problems, choose appropriate options and handle it well its time.


"The man has a mission on Earth, has a responsibility and this cannot be improvised; is built from children, from birth".
Maria Montessori

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